St.Gregorios Orthodox Church Of India
South Florida
Message from the Vicar

Rev. Fr. George John

It is with immense pleasure that I welcome all the readers of the website of St. Gregorios Orthodox Church of India, South Florida. Mr. Jibu Mathai has spent a lot of his time and effort to make this excellent new website. On behalf of our members, I want to convey my deep and sincere appreciation to Jibu.

Since December 2005, we have been using my personal website as the unofficial website of our church. The main aim of the website is to facilitate the bible study, publish articles, and disseminate news about our parish, diocese, and church to our members. I was extremely pleased that our children use the website regularly to prepare for their assignments.

I hope our people will use this new website regularly and will benefit their spiritual growth and the progress of the parish.

With Prayers & Best Wishes,

Fr. George John




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